Mobility, communication, transports and highway system PDF Print

The mobility in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte is a theme that requires special attention, for it interferes in the people routine and their daily movement, constantly more critical. Congested roads, environmental pollution and lack of regularity and reliability in the public transportation system cause negative impacts in the economic and social regional development. This is a result of the disordered growth of private vehicles fleet. Whilst the metropolitan population has grown 13,5% during 2001-2009, the general fleet, mostly motorcycles and car, has grown 76,6% with no proper infrastructure investment and public transportation, and no policy promoting integration of the many transportation modalities, as well as the necessary rationalization of the system.

As a result, the region presents distortions in the metropolitan transportation system, which affects the mobility of people and goods. This framework is thus aggravated with the lack of integrated planning and the disarticulation of public management of transportation and traffic systems in the municipal, state’s and federal levels.

Before this reality and given an actualized diagnostic, the thematic Mobility in the RMBH will draw a group of strategies for solving the problem within a run of 20 years. The work will be developed articulated with other sectors connected to the urban and metropolitan development and with the civil society, considering:

1 – Definition of goals of the transportation policy;

2 – The future vision of the Metropolitan Region;

3 – The strategy choices and definitions;

4 – The Integrated Transportation Plan for 2023.

The proposal aims to define policies, programs and projects, to form a more efficient perception of people and goods circulation within the metropolitan region, on the goal for sustainability and higher social inclusion.

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