Culture, education, food security, labor and income PDF Print

The study of this theme proposes to identify the existent equipment and services structure in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. The proposal aims to collect and organize data, as well as generate other information through direct consultation of the different involved social actors and institutional sectors to compose the diagnosis, the formulation of directives and the elaboration of propositions, aiming to locate lacks related to demand and quality of equipment and services. The intention is to look for local elements capable of guiding actions capable of promoting socio-spatial integration of equipment, programs, initiatives and policies in a metropolitan perspective.

Beginning from a perspective that flows from culture to education, the school provision shall be interpreted within fluxes composing the territory in interaction with the many existing collective equipment. The idea is to combine variables that express the social relations affecting the educational performance.

The nutritional and food security is taken as a human right, in which the cultural peculiarities shall be respected. Ergo, we will then identify and value the urban, periurban and familiar agriculture initiatives, and associate them with the small transformation and retail businesses, taking into consideration the productive cycle, the food distribution, access and consumption. The intention is to increase and cement policies for food security policies for the RMBH.


Everyday experiences are a guideline for the matters of labor and income, especially in the scope of the production of goods and services, covering the monetary and non-monetary income. We shall identify excluded populations, on the goal of value experiences and potentialities of each group, articulating supply, market access and potential demand capacities.

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