Cultural Environmental Complexes PDF Print

The thematic area Cultural Environmental Complexes is responsible for the study of landscape clusters and their respective areas of influence in the RMBH: the iron square, the Belo Horizonte’s karst and depression. The aim is to label these clusters and then offer subsides for developing actions focused on the protection, management and planning of the cultural environmental complexes.

The study shall be guided by three functions related to the maintenance of the landscape quality. The first refers to the protection and has the goal of maintaining the meanings and integrity of the landscape through the application of legal instruments for conservation. The second refers to the landscape planning and look for recovering highly deteriorated spaces, integrating them to urban environment to meet the aspirations of the surrounding communities. The third concerns the management and proposes the creation of directives for the permission and monitoring of the different forms of use and appropriation of the landscape.


The creation of these complexes and management of the public usage of these clusters can widen the citizen access to the heritage assets, contributing for the formation of a metropolitan identity. The valuation of these clusters may favor, yet, the creation of new metropolitan centralities, capable of revealing particular touristic and leisure vocations, reducing the negative side effects connected to the economic usage of these spaces, hence, contributing for the recovering part of the cultural heritage of the RMBH and, mainly, the increase of the life quality of population located in the areas of influence of these future complexes.

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