General Coordination Print

The Center of Development and Regional Planning – CEDEPLAR – of the UFMG took the responsibility of the works, then many-focused coordination were created to handle the organogram in the contract’s Term of Reference – a territorial coordination, an institutional concert coordination, and three thematic coordination: Economic, Social and Environmental.

Besides this coordination nucleus there were also two sub-coordination, one of Information and Communication and Social Mobilization and Local Organization, and an Operational Coordination.

The General Coordination plots the articulation among the other coordination, guiding the methodological and operational conduction of the works aiming the trans-disciplinary integration of the various areas, sectors, and courses mobilized for the metropolitan planning.

The Territorial Coordination looks for ensuring that all proposal are under a logic of territorial organization, in the metropolitan and micro-regional scales, considering the natural potentials and restrictions, the existing structures, the local identity, and the planning or ongoing structuring projects of the metropolitan space of the public government as well as the private enterprise.

The Institutional Concert Coordination, in turn, aims the constant interaction during the technical stages of elaboration and the stages of participation of the involved parts, balancing when possible the tendencies and demands of the technical, social and political-administrative sectors. The goal is to integrate the specialized technical knowledge into the space and political and social context of the RMBH.


For the development of the Plan ten Transversal Thematic Areas (ATTs) were proposed, and they counted with the guidance of specialists and technical teams to elaborate the integrated sectorial studies. During the elaboration of propositions phase, the ATTs were reorganized into Integrated Thematic Nodes (ETIs): Accessibility, Security, Sustainability and Urbanity. The creation of the Nodes proposed the deepening of the transversallity among the themes, which resulted in the reorganization of the Plan into trans-disciplinary mini-teams for the elaboration of Policies, Programs, Projects and Actions.


Organizational and Methodological Structure

Organograma Coordenação Expandida